When it comes to Criminal Law, the procedure’s dynamics requires permanent supervision and follow-up of the different proceedings towards the effective incorporation of indispensable convincing elements with the aim of distorting any incriminatory assumption. The aforementioned is executed attending to the contradiction principle that prevails in modern accusatory systems. 

In order to accomplish this objective, Brice, Marín, Oráa & Associates counts on a multidisciplinary team of professionals carrying out simultaneous revisions before administrative institutions, court, auxiliary organs of the administration of justice and the Attorney General’s Office. 

In this regard, a follow–up of the matters that our relevant for our clients is conducted throughout the different stages of the process. Regarding the criminal investigations requested by the Attorney General’s Office and other competent organisms, this is carried out in our character of legal representation of the victims, defendants or any other party to the action. 

Furthermore, the team appointed to BMO & Associates is capable of processing any sort of proceeding within the context of the criminal procedure. Likewise, we draft, review and/or endorse any type of document that meets the needs of our clients and that are required for their assistance, both in and outside the procedure. We ensure that the legal actions aimed at obtaining strategically beneficial outcomes are performed..